The world of IT became more complex ever since the internet penetrated the world. While the digital world is dramatically flourishing, online businesses are also increasing. However, most business owners do not have any background with web development. Dealing with web developers is challenging due to many jargons that only IT experts can fathom. Insipred by our friends form Prompt Glass, we’d like to present definitions of the most common terms you can come across in the world of wev dev. Hopefully this will help you understand the nature of the industry while actively participating in the process.
Web developers are responsible for building your website and applications. They also design websites on par with your brand’s goals and image. Web developers deal with the most technical and sensitive task that requires precision and mastery to deliver a flawless website. They are the ones to ensure the website’s speed, functionality, and credibility.
Moreover, web developers are the ones behind the success of both the front-end and the back-end of the website. Front-end is the part of the website wherein the users interact also known as user interface while the back-end is more one the mechanisms behind the website where the database server and other crucial parts are located.
Front-End – is closely related to website design and user experience. Front-end development means creating the facade of your website while ensuring the ease of use for visitors.
Back-End – is the more technical side of web development. It is vital to ensuring and maintaining the intended functions of the website.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) – is important in landscaping the interface of the website’s layout. The common elements in the website including blocks, buttons, hyperlinks, controls, tables, images, and other elements compose the website.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – CSS is vital in implementing every HTML elements on the website. It helps developers save time in managing every layout on the web pages. Additionally, CSS extends convenience to developers by providing more interface tools to help design modified web pages to utilise custom typography, aesthetic, and other components that make the website unique.
JavaScript – it is one of the tools widely used by developers to add progressive data on the website. It is responsible for either showing or hiding information as you navigate the website. It is important in creating interactive web functions. Also, JavaScript aids developers in switching elements such as colours, animations, zooming pictures and what-have-you.
Java – is one of the earliest IT languages in the field of back-end programming. It helps the programmer create dynamic systems that can seamlessly flow along with other digital environments. It can also create a small app module portable for moving from one system to another host. Java is implemented in server applications needed for online forums, e-commerce stores, HTML processing and many more.
Python – is another flexible and robust language in the IT that is known for its compact syntax program. It enables developers to integrate more functionality with little effort into formulating code lines. Moreover, python aids developers in connecting applications to other digital platforms while designing a powerful system. It extends a lot of support in shaping an effective website.
Ruby – is a general scripting language that significant for front-end and back-end development, it is a progressive object-oriented tool that projects simple understandable syntax language.
Understanding thoroughly the role of web development and the terms that come along with it ill take effort. However, as an online business owner that deals with developers, it is important to know at least a thing or two about the nature of the field.
Choosing the language and technologies that best fit your goals can be done with the help of the developer’s expertise. Hence, if you want a flawless website that delivers an effective user experience, learn the nature of web development and hire a programmer that garnered a lot of experiences in the industry. It is one way to ensure that your resources are put into good use and your time not wasted.